Meanwhile, Whitney is partnered up with Andrew for a biochemistry assignment, but Andrew doesn’t want to work with her. He does much of the assignment by himself, only for Whitney to catch him in a mistake. Despite how negative he is towards her in the entire process, she can’t help but be attracted to him. Kimberly worries that Jackson can’t get past seeing her as sickly since she crashed at his dorm after her surgery. And Leighton has someone of her own she’s looking to impress. Leighton manages to introduce herself to Tatum, her new crush, on the tennis courts. Unfortunately, Tatum is instantly judgmental and Leighton only ends up embarrassed. At Sips, Roger informs Kimberly, Lila, and Canaan that he’s been fired so that his job can be filled by a student. Kimberly encourages Lila to apply for his position. Although she’s initially resistant due to being nervous around authority figures, Kimberly coaches her through the interview process. Lila does amazing on her interview and ends up becoming Kimberly’s and Canaan’s boss. At a party later, Kimberly finds Jackson to confidently inform him that she’s completely healed and up for anything–which leads to them having sex. And Leighton gets another shot to impress Tatum, which she does by shooting zingers right back at her. Tatum ends up giving Leighton her number, much to Leighton’s delight. At the same party, Bela introduces Eric to Dan. After two days of getting Dan anything he wants, it’s Eric he’s impressed with at the party. He invites both Bela and Eric to send him a comedy portfolio (something Bela doesn’t have and was never made aware of, not being a part of Eric’s privileged world). Bela is mad that Eric would swoop in on her opportunity, but he tells her he’s just taking the same chances she would. There’s only one path Bela can see to getting that internship over Eric. Before Dan goes home, she greets him in the morning and initiates sex–which he seems very receptive to.

The Episode Review

The Sex Lives of College Girls is fun, as always, but the storylines this episode chooses to focus on are mediocre at best. I’ve been so looking forward to seeing how the show would resolve the sexual tension between Jackson and Kimberly–but the way they got together happened so suddenly I couldn’t even enjoy it. As the show’s title suggests, it’s good at sex. But romance? The Sex Lives of Colleges Girls has dropped the ball on all of its developing romantic relationships. I’m also concerned about how the show is going to approach Bela’s and Whitney’s storylines. Whitney obviously deserves better than her jerk of a study partner. And I don’t know if this show is quite nuanced enough to handle the murky waters Bela is wading. Just please, writers, don’t make her cheating into, I don’t know, an act of reclaiming feminine power? It shouldn’t have to be said, but…