Track Listing

Another Day – Monday Kiz Lean on Me – 10cm All About You – TAEYEON Only You – Yang Da II Can You See My Heart – Heize At the End – Chung Ha Remember Me – Gummy See The Stars – Red Velvet Can You Hear Me? – Ben So Long – Paul Kim Say Goodbye – Ha Yea Song Done For Me – Punch Love Deluna – TAEYONG & Punch     Given the popularity and success of Hotel Del Luna over recent months, it’s no surprise then to see the eclectic K-Pop-heavy soundtrack doing so well in the charts. With numerous songs storming their way to number 1 in previous weeks, it seems only fitting to go in and review the entire album on the eve of Hotel Del Luna bowing out with its emotional climax. With poignant, emotionally charged tracks and heart-felt lyrics throughout, Hotel Del Luna’s soundtrack compliments the series perfectly, paying homage with some memorable stand-out tracks and a surprisingly well written musical journey. With themes around regret, love and heartbreak running through the entirety of the show, the soundtrack follows suit and despite a lukewarm start with Another Day, which admittedly doesn’t really stand out here, the album eventually gets into its groove to deliver some solid tracks. TAEYON’s beautiful ballad All About You is a striking and heartfelt promise, one that really begins to see the soundtrack grow into its own. From here, the album smooths its way into arguably the two biggest tracks of the album, Only You and Can You See My Heart. Only You is a cleverly placed track too, nestled between two powerful female vocalists and helping to add a different timbre to the mix to avoid the album stagnating. The chorus is distinct, particularly given it signifies the first time a male vocalist appears on the album. The latter, Can You See My Heart, perfectly captures the heartbreaking mood at that time in Hotel Del Luna, before the rest of the album swings its way through ballads like Remember Me and Punch’s minor-key heavy-hitter Done For Me. The album then bows out with Love Deluna, a duet between TAEYONG and Punch that works perfectly to end things on an uplifting and surprisingly bouncy note. In many ways, the musical journey of the album follows that of the show, with a perfect blend of reflective, sombre ballads and more tense, uplifting tracks. Although a lot of the songs utilize instrumental pianos and don’t have much variety in instrumental choice, the lyrical content perfectly captures the mood of the series and without it, I doubt the show would have packed as much of an emotional punch as it does. Music can make or break a series and in Hotel Del Luna’s case, it absolutely makes it. There’s a reason why so many of these tracks have ignited the K-Pop charts in recent weeks and although the album takes a while to flex its muscles, the hard hitting tracks midway through more than make up for the slow start. The soundtrack is the perfect remedy for those post-show blues and is likely to go down as one of the better soundtracks for a Korean drama this year.  

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