After an 8 year hiatus, Robyn returns with her latest studio album Honey. Mixing dreamy beats, melodic synth-driven sounds and her distinct confident, soft vocals, Honey is an enjoyable, but largely forgettable album. While the second half picks up the tempo and delivers a host of head-bopping tunes, Honey fails to really excite and deliver anything particularly original that hasn’t been done before. The album opens with the vocal heavy Missing You. This song works well, setting the tone for what’s to come as the rest of the album dreamily sways between 80s sounding electro pop and chilled beats. Send To Robin Immediately is arguably the turning point of the album though with many of the songs following this slotting into a more familiar pop-driven sound for the artist. It’s during this song too that the tempo increases and with it, the energy levels emanating from the album. While there isn’t anything particularly bad about Robyn’s new album Honey, there isn’t anything outstanding or great here either. It’s simply an album that slots nicely in that realm of “good but forgettable”, one that sits alongside so many other female artists in a crowded genre with little in the way of outstanding, noteworthy productions in sight. That’s not to say the album is a disappointment; the distinct sound of Robyn’s smooth vocal and synth-driven productions are here in full force, especially late on. Missing You, Honey, Between The Lines and Ever Again are arguably the best songs of the album. Honey makes for an enjoyable album while you’re listening to it but it’s also one that’s unlikely to leave a lasting impression when you put the album down. After such a long break, it’s quite admirable to see Robyn pick up where she left off, delivering an album that oozes her usual familiar sound with smooth, confident vocals. While there’s nothing particularly great about the lyrical content and the album is unlikely to be one you remember for years to come, there’s enough here to make for an enjoyable listen nonetheless.

Honey   Robyn Album Review   The Review Geek - 75