The Scam

Homemade Love Story sees the characters develop more each week with some interesting twists along the way. It’s a full house now at the villa and it is bound to create some entertaining drama in the weeks to come! Episode 12 of Homemade Love Story starts with Seo-A asking her mother who the baby in the picture is. Ms Kim looks surprised but quickly lies and tells her an old friend gave it to her. Seo-A also lies, mentioning she found it the other day and forgot to give it back. Meanwhile, Jae Hee walks home after work and is invited by Hawk-Se to eat in his restaurant. Chae-Woon and Na-Ro arrive soon after and the three sit down to eat. At the villa, Hae-Deun asks her mother to rent her room to the boy who queried about it the day before. She wants to share rooms with Chae-Woon in exchange for paying less rent so that she can save money. After a family meeting with both her siblings, everyone agrees to the new arrangement. Back in Hwak-Se’s restaurant, Jae-Hee and Na-Ro stay and challenge each other to a drinking contest, which ends with both of them passing out drunk. With the help of Ra-Hoon, Hwak-See takes both drunk boys home as they struggle to even walk. The group arrive at the villa and quickly get help from the others. As Hwak-Se, Soon-Jung and Man-Jung carry Jae-Hee to his room, Jung-Hoo is nearly caught when he accidently ends up in the same room. Later on, Chae-Woon joins a sobered up Jae-Hee at the table. The two talk about his mother and Jae-Hee ends up admitting that he pretended to be drunk. The next day, both boys wake up feeling rough while Hae-Deun asks Na-Ro not to say anything about her new job offer and explains that she is heading to the agency to sign the contract. When Jung-Hoo heads down for breakfast, he notices the dictionary (which is the one he gave Soon-Jung many years ago) and thinks it looks familiar. Hwak-Se and Soon-Jung want to blow one of the special magical flowers to help him find his memory but the man refuses. Min-Jae visits Ms Kim in LX fashion which makes Seo-A very happy. She tells her friend that she has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Ms Kim then invites her to a fashion show and rings Soon-Jung to invite her too. Min-Jae then asks her not to tell Soon-Jung about her divorce. After putting the phone down, Soon-Jung greets her new tenant Jun-Woo while at work Na-Ro speaks to Chae-Woon about his past in Netherlands and his hope to find his birth parents. Meanwhile, Hae-Dun meets with the agency manager to sign the contract. Before signing though, he asks her to pay the trainee fee. Has-Deun seems a little unsure as she has been saving up for a long time. Just as she is about to wire the money, Na-Ro and Jae-Hee arrive and confront Man-Dae as they know he is a con artist. He soon gets taken away by the police which shocks Hae-Dun. Jae-Hee explains that he called his friend detective who knew all about him. She is not happy with them though as she feels humiliated. Ra-Hoon arrives too as he was worried but this embarrasses her even more. She then storms out and heads back to work. Soon-Jung calls her to ask what she wants for dinner and after giving her a list, Hae-Dun starts crying but refuses to tell her mother what’s wrong. Soon-Jung decides to go and visit Hae-Deun in her workplace. It’s there she finds out that Hae-Deun failed her first audition. She wonders why she didn’t tell her and later waits for her outside the villa. Hae-Deun ends up walking the street until quite late and when she arrives home, Chae-Woon is there to confront her about her behaviour with the con artist. Hae-Deun tries to defend herself as she desperately wanted to believe him. Man-Jung arrives to defend her as well and the two sisters end up arguing. Hae-Deun tearfully explains that she has always felt anxious, scared to be evicted as she was thrown out by her previous two adoptive families. This revelation shocks everyone, including Na-Ro and Jae-Hee who have been listening. Chae-Woon feels bad but can only shout at her sister to stop crying before storming in her room. Soon-Jung sits outside while all this happens and sadly goes inside after the argument ends. Ra-Hoon and Hwak-Se have been doing the same too and when they appear, everyone offers to help Soon-Jung with dinner. After washing his feet, Ra-Hoon wants to greet Jun-Woo. He heads into his room but the latter is hiding under the covers. He tells him he hopes they will get along and when he leaves the room, we see that it is actually Ba-Reun hiding. While everyone is having dinner, Na-Ro studies and as he remembers Hae-Deun’s words, sadly realizes that he has experienced the same situation. After dinner, Chae-Woon thanks Jae-Hee for his help with Hae-Deun. They do the washing up together, joking around while Soon-Jung has some sweet and comforting words for her youngest daughter. The next day, the preparation for the launch event gets underway. Soon-Jeung is dreading to go but decides to tell everyone she is Chae-Woon’s mother. When she arrives, she comes face to face with Min-Jae who acts like she’s very happy to see her old friend. The fashion show starts and everyone is surprised to see Chae-Woon on the runway as she has been asked to replace one of the models. Ms Kim is very happy and gives her the best clothes and make-up to wear. Soon-Jung witnesses the exchange and starts feeling very guilty. She runs away, breathless, thinking about all the moments she shared with her daughter and worrying about losing her. The episode comes to an end with Jung-Hoo cleaning the villa. When he hears Jae-Hee arriving in his room, he quickly hides in the wardrobe. Unfortunately for him, Jae-Hee opens the door and is shocked to find his father there.

The Episode Review

Poor Soon-Jung is feeling more and more torn towards her daughter and Ms Kim. The last scene of the episode was quite heartbreaking when she watched Chae-Woon with her real mother. She is also scared to lose Chae so I think she will probably stay quiet for a while before revealing her dark secret. I am still very intrigued as to why she took her away when she was a baby but I am sure she must have had a good reason. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Hae-Deun in this episode. She was desperately clutching at the idea that she finally had her break and almost paid dearly for this. Thankfully, she had help even if she was not grateful to them. We also got to know more about her past too, which was very heartbreaking. The episode ends with a nice cliffhanger as Jae-Hee finds his father in his bedroom. The next few episodes will definitely be interesting as we see how this plays out, especially with Jung-Hoo’s amnesia. It is a little predictable as I believe the relationship between father and son will improve while at the villa. Despite this though, the drama carries on being enjoyable enough to check out every weekend.

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