The Baby Pictures

Back for another dose of family drama, Homemade Love Story returns with more fun and intriguing character development this weekend. The story still gives us some predictable plots though (like the amnesia route for Jung-Hoo) but the series remains pleasant and entertaining enough to follow each week. Episode 11 of Homemade Love Story starts where we left off with Jung-Hoo telling the doctor his name is James. Soon-Jung wants to go home but the doctor asks her to stay as the police will want to take her statement. She then goes back to Jung-Hoo but keeps thinking that he looks like the Jung-Hoo she knew from the past. At LX fashion, Chae-Woon and her colleagues show each other pictures of themselves as babies. Na-Ro is not able to show them anything and later calls Pil-Hong, assuring him that he has Chae-Woon within his grasp. Back at the hospital, Jung-Hoo has a nightmare about the past when he was beaten up by thugs. When he wakes up, he runs away thinking those men are in the hospital. Soon-Jung follows and tries calming him down. She asks for his number but he looks scared and disorientated. As they’re both hungry, they head in a restaurant where Jung-Hoo realizes he has lost his memories. In the villa, Jae-Hee gets jealous again when Na-Ro manages to break apples in half using just his hands. He then challenges Na-Ro in a game which he ends up winning. In the evening, Jung-Hoo says goodbye to Soon-Jung and thanks her for her help. She wants to give him money but he refuses. However, she quickly realizes that something is wrong and doesn’t want to leave him there. Jung-Hoo then admits that he can’t remember anything so she calls Hwak-Se to fill him in on her situation. At first, Hwak Se tells her to leave him but then remembers how he was once homeless and Soon-Jung was the one who helped. Later on, Chae-Woon and Jae-Hee work together on a project. The latter receives a call from his mum who we see has completely decorated her new place and changed her look. She has to go quickly though when Ms Kim arrives with some food. She invites her friend in and the two start dancing and singing. However, Ms Kim seems a little worried seeing her friend’s unusual behaviour. Meanwhile, Hwak Se arrives at the bus stop to pick up Soon-Jung and Jung-Hoo. He takes her aside and tells her he is not sure it is a good idea to bring him back home. Soon-Jung insists as she thinks creditors are after him. They sneak him into the villa where Jung-Hoo asks them not to tell anyone as it would worry him. After hiding Jung-Hoo, Hwak Se and Soon-Jung meet with the others. Man-Jung becomes a little jealous though as she finds out from Hwak Se that he had to meet with someone but doesn’t tell her who. Chae-Woon heads into her mother’s room to check if she has been okay, as she has been worried about her. Soon-Jung reassures her but asks if she could maybe resign from her job, especially as she thinks she should study abroad while she is young. Chae-Woon is surprised and tells her mum that if she works hard, she will be sent to America. However, she wants to stay at LX fashion. In the morning, Min-Jae awakens and realizes that she is not happy despite all the changes in her life. Jae-Hee arrives with some macaroons and realizes that his mother has been crying. He tries comforting her and promises to always be there for her. In the villa, Hwak-Se sneaks some of Soon-Jung’s food to Jung-Hoo. As he starts eating it, he tells Hwak-Se that he feels he has tasted this before. Meanwhile at LX fashion, Ms Kim notices that Na-Ro is wearing the same trainers as the boy who was lurking around the building. While cleaning the floors at work, Hae-Dun receives a call from Joo Man-Dae at Million Big production. At the same time, Soon-Jung speaks to Jung-Hoo at the villa about his amnesia. The latter picks up a petal and blows it in the air, which reminds Soon-Jung of the past and wonders again if he is the man she used to know. Hae-Dun meets with Man-Dae and is surprised when he offers her a place in the girl band they’re putting together. She later relays the good news to her brother but makes him promise not to tell anyone for now. In the evening, Ms Kim generously brings food to all her employees who have been working late. They then all spend a relaxing evening together, joking and eating. However, Seo-A watches the scene unfold looking forlorn. The episode closes with Seo-A asking Chae-Woon to come in her office with her latest report. She then starts looking at a post online where the employees have been posting their baby pictures. When she sees Chae-Woon’s, she takes the pictures her mother dropped and realizes it is the same child. She then rushes outside and takes the picture to her mother, asking her who the baby is.

The Episode Review

While the amnesia trope gets used quite a lot in Korean dramas, I didn’t expect Jung-Hoo to be brought to the villa, just under his son’s nose. I wonder what will happen when the latter realizes that his dad lives in the room next to him. Will this change him into becoming a better person? On the other hand, Min-Jae is starting to realize that changing the decorations in her house and her looks may not be the answer to a happier life. Something is missing from her life and I am wondering if it is because deep down, she missed Jung-Hoo. I am quite intrigued with Hae-Dun’s story as well. She receives her dream job offer very quickly and easily. I am looking forward to see what will happen there as I am sure we don’t know everything about this latest development yet. Chae-Woon is more determined than ever to succeed which worries her mother now she knows who her bosses are. The twist at the end was interesting too but I am not sure Ms Kim will tell the truth about the picture. Seo-A might put two and two together though, but I doubt she will say anything to Chae-Woon. I have definitely started to become addicted to this weekend drama. It may not be the strongest out there and can be a little predictable, but its fun characters and stories make it one easy series to get into and a real guilty pleasure!

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