All Eyes On Me The girls are shaken once they realize the police have seized the contents in the bag at the start of Fakes episode 7. Becca suggests that Zoe change her appearance as the police have a record of her signing for the bag with a fake ID. Zoe is willing to cut and color her hair. The next morning, Zoe debuts a new striking hairstyle at school which leads to her getting more attention than before. They call the police to try and gauge how much they know but the effort is futile. The officer declines to share information as it is an active investigation. They come up with a plan to save themselves as it is inevitable that the police will find them soon. Becca suggests they can stop the police hunt at Sally. She plans to make Sally their best friend so that she will be less inclined to tittle-tattle on them. Zoe agrees that this is a good plan and she is up for it as soon as they reprint the last order. They hand over the reprinted IDs to Sally and act like everything is cool and chill. On the other hand, Becca is dealing with pressure from her parents about university applications. Tryst is beginning to trust the girls as they have conveniently neglected to mention the situation with Sally. He even hands them a spare key to the “office” and is working on relocating them by the end of the month. The girls execute a plan to “make Sally our best friend” but it proves to be harder than they expected. Becca is becoming more infuriated with Sally and takes it out on Zoe as she was the one who hired her in the first place. She is stressed out that their plan to be fake friends with Sally is not working and thinks they need another plan as a protection measure. They go to Sally and ask her to take the blame but Sally wants to change the script and blame the phantom of the opera. She is an actor after all! As they argue, Becca receives a call and is summoned home with immediate effect. Her mother is back and she is angry that she has not been responding to her messages. Her mother is also angry that she has not contacted the deans at the university she mentioned. Becca says she doesn’t want to cheat her way into a university and her mom says they are not cheating just asking. The argument escalates and her father steps in. The fight with her parents makes Becca more agitated and she confronts Sally about the reality of her screw-up. Soon after, the police show up to talk to Sally, and Zoe and Becca have a huge fight. They both say mean things to each other.

The Episode Review

Throughout the show, Becca has managed to keep calm but it seems her family problems and the pressure of working have finally caught up with her. She is struggling to maintain a balance and her mom’s visit threw her off balance. I didn’t expect her and Zoe to fight as hard as they did. The police are zoning in and Sally may rat them out. They need a better plan if they think there is a chance they can come out of this unscathed. They should have stopped after the last order Sally messed up and stayed low. I wonder when they will tell Tryst about the police investigation into their business.