Four-Leaf Clover Episode 14 of A Love So Beautiful begins in the Summer of ’19 as Ha Young heads to the medical office – again. Mr Lee isn’t there so she has a look at his desk. When he arrives, she comes up with bogus symptoms but he gives her something. She’s pleased, staring at the package all the way back to the room. Jin-Hwan plays like he needs relief as well so she relents and gives him one square from the pack of four. He happily tucks it into his bag. Sol-I watches Heon talking with Hui-Ji, who takes his hand as they speak. He pulls back just as Dae-Sung arrives to greet Sol-I. Heon watches as Dae-Sung puts his arm around Sol-I and they walk away. Jin-Hwan tries to get Heon to do something to fix thing with Sol-I and says he’ll help. He gets her to the library to read the next edition of a book series. Heon finds her in the library and sits beside her. When she gets absorbed in her book, he pushes her hair back, shocking them both. Sol-I is visibly uplifted but she doesn’t share the reason. Mi-Nyeo tells her and Ha Young that everyone is seeking four-leaf clovers to make their romances come true. Of course, they take to the grass. Ha Young has laminated her clover as a bookmark for Mr Lee. As she approaches to tuck it in his desk, she notices Hui-Ji walking away and drugs on the floor in the medical office. Jin-Hwan spots Ha Young exiting the office and sneaks in to see what was happening. He spies the bookmark and Mr Lee’s initials LJH. He’s completely gutted to find out Mr Lee’s star sign is Cancer. Su-Jin is talking about four-leaf clovers and crushes so Jin-Hwan loudly tells her off. Everyone is surprised at his overaction and Ha Young asks him why he’s mad at Su-Jin. He grabs his bag and leaves. Heon follows and Jin-Hwan asks him if everyone knew Ha Young liked Mr Lee and thought him ridiculous. He departs holding his chest. A week later and everyone is worried that Jin-Hwan still hasn’t returned or taken anyone’s calls. Meanwhile, Hui-Ji walks out of the ladies’ room and passes out. Se-Hyeong races in to announce that Hui-Ji’s mother is there causing a fuss. Several students run to the staff office to loiter and listen in. Hui-Ji’s mother is accusing the school and Mr Lee of harming her daughter. Mr Lee suggests depression is an issue and her mother denies it, blaming him and threatening to call the Office of Education. At the Dean’s behest, Mr Lee resigns to solve the issue. Ha Young visits Mr Lee as he packs his box. She notes that Hui-Ji possibly stole medication from his office but he tells her to support her friend and says he’ll easily find another job. Sol-I and Heon walk together and Sol-I confirms that Heon knew Hui-Ji was ill, settling everything between them. In gym class Se-Hyeong reports on Hui-Ji’s social media posts and that she’s moving abroad. The Dean announces fitness tests and Ha Young gets ready to start. Enter Jin-Hwan looking very much the pop-star with styled pink hair and a smile. The boys prevent the Dean from stopping him going to the podium. As Jin-Hwan launches his speech everyone cheers. He announces that he’ll ask the girl he likes to be his girlfriend and talks about his feelings for her. With a deep nervous breath, he tells Ha Young that he likes her with all his heart. Everyone roars and she smiles. Flashback to Sol-I watching Heon reading outside. But he’s actually scanning the grass searching for four-leafed clovers.

The Episode Review

Wow, lots of bustle with Heon, Jin-Hwan and Ha Young all seeking ways to express their feelings – whereas typically its Sol-I and Dae-Sung (and also Jin-Hwan) making all the gestures. Jin-Hwan – way to take the prize, my good man! We don’t even know for sure yet what Ha Young thinks, but either way that kid has got some stee ones. And loving the statement hair on him, fit for battle. Kudos to actor Jung Jin-Hwan too, who plays Jin-Hwan. I felt every drop of his nervousness when he took that final closed-eye breath before confessing. Nicely done. Heon’s flashback – he’s the star of most of them – was inspired, if a little out of form for him. He’s that desperate to make it up with Sol-I without having to speak. On the other hand, he couldn’t have spilled Hui-Ji’s news, though he may have tried to explain the hug-related misunderstanding. Well it looks like he didn’t actually have to with everything coming out in the wash. Hui-Ji’s tetchiness turns out to be a symptom of depression. How awful! Raise your hand if you think her overbearing mother has something to do with it. Now, clap twice if you think her mother will do something to help her daughter. From what little we’ve seen, it’s not looking great but maybe they’ll have an opportunity to have a heart-to-heart. Let’s note that we still don’t know what’s happening with Dae-Dung’s shoulder either, but hopefully that piece will circle back to us. Until then perhaps he’ll have a chance to socialize like a normal student. Treasure it, Dae-Sung. Even if you lost this round to Heon, there are sure to be more misunderstandings over the next 10 instalments. It’s not over ’til it’s over. And who knows where your soft little heart will land. The energy felt particularly strong, with scenes flowing from action to action, nothing wasted in the telling. Notably, Se-Hyeong continues to act as a headline, introducing the action for each scene. It’s a great use of the ‘jester’ persona, don’t you think? Even the ancient Romans would be impressed!